The 10th Symposium on Behavioral Neurology
- Datum:– Zum Kalender hinzufügen
- Ort:LUKS Lucerne, Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
- Fachbereich:

With the 10th anniversary edition of the Symposium on Behavioral Neurology, we wanted to celebrate the diversity of subjects and approaches in stroke recovery research. In a partial review of the past annual editions of the Symposium, we selected four fascinating research areas: motor impairments, neglect, language impairments, and apraxia. We are very pleased that, again, internationally renowned speakers and promising young scientists agreed to participate and share their expertise and latest findings with us.
we look forward to welcome numerous recurring and new attendees, in an interdisciplinary audience of neurologists, neuropsychologists, cognitive neuroscientists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists engaged in research, treatment and care of patients. We look forward to inspiring talks and lively discussions.
Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Bohlhalter, Chair Neurocenter
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Nyffeler, Head Neurorehabilitation
Prof. Dr. med. Tim Vanbellingen, Head Motor Rehabilitation
PD Dr. phil. Dario Cazzoli, Head Neurovisual Rehabilitation
Program and further information
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