Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET)
- Datum:– Zum Kalender hinzufügen
- Ort:LUKS Luzern, Haus 10, Skills Lab
- Fachbereich:

In this one-day intensive ASSET course, participants will learn important surgical approaches to body cavities and large vessels to save life or limb. Surgical exposure is taught on human specimen.
The aim of the course is to provide competent care for penetrating injuries in emergency situations.
At the end of the course, you will have acquired knowledge and skills for the treatment of acute life-threatening injuries and their surgical access and exposure.
The course is for senior surgeons working in acute and emergency surgery settings and is accredited by the American College of Surgeons.
08:00 AM Registration
08:15 AM Welcome
09:00 AM Case 1: Exposure of axillary and subclavian artery and vein
09:30 AM Case 2: Exposure of brachial, radial and ulnar arteries
10:00 AM Case 3: Exposure of the femoral artery and vein, Temporary vascular shunting
10:20 AM Case 4: Upper and lower extremity fasziotomy
10:40 AM Case 5: Cricothyroidotomy, exposure of the carotid and vertebral artery, jugular vein, trachea and esophagus
11:15 AM Case 6: Sternotomy
11:45 AM Case 7: Left anterolateral thoracotomy, clamping of the aorta
12:00 PM Case 8: Bilateral anterior thoracotomy (Clamshell incision), exposure of the heart, pulmonary and hilar injuries
13:00 PM Case 9: Pelvic Packing
13:15 PM Lunch
13:45 PM Case 10: Exposure of the distal aorta, iliac vessels and ureters
14:15 PM Case 11: Exposure of the subdiaphragmatic aorta, left to right and right to left visceral rotation
15:15 PM Case 12: Exposure of liver and splenic Injuries liver packing, Pringle maneuver, liver
16:15 PM Exam and Evaluation
17:15 PM Closing remarks
Course language: English
Course fee: CHF 2'100.-
Cancellation Conditions:
up to 60 days prior the course: reimbursement CHF 2'100.-
59 - 31 days prior the course: reimbursement CHF 1'000.-
after 30 days prior the course: reimbursement CHF 0.-
FULLY BOOKED - We have a waiting list. Please contact us:
Contact / Course Administration
Stefanie Stadelmann
Joint Medical Master
041 205 48 82
Course Director
Dr. med. Lea Wehrli
Assistant Professor Pediatric Surgery
WVU Children’s Hospital, USA